The Third Annual Land Conference was held in Gelephu from 13 to 15th November, 2014. The conference was attended by more than 130 participants, including Land Record Officers and Surveyors from 20 Dzongkhags, 15 Drungkhags and 4 Gyelyong Thromdes. The conference with the theme of “Rendering Efficient and Effective Land Governance Services” was organized with…
Atlas of Bhutan
On 1/10/2014 Dasho Pema Chewang, Secretary of NLCS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Professor Koert Sijmons of Geomapa, a company based in the Netherlands for developing the first atlas of Bhutan. The Atlas is planned to be published early next year.
Delegation from Thailand
A three member delegation from Thailand visited NLCS on 2/10/2014 for a follow up meeting on the proposed geoinformation production project. Once finalized, the project will primarily involve mapping of more than two-third of the country and development of useful geographic information system for sustainable development. A representative from GNHC also participated in the meeting.