The National land Commission invites sealed quotation from the National Supplier/Firm having valid trade licence issued by MoEA, Bhutan for the following to National Land Commission.
Package I
1. Supply of DGPS for Dzongkhags
Package II
1. Maintenance of Laptops
Package III
1. Supply of Laptops, Photocopy Machine and computer accessories
Package IV
1. Supply of Extension Kits
The tender documents and specifications can be obtained from the NLCS (Room No. 16) on any working days w.e.f. 29th October 2013. The cost of document is Nu. 300/- (non-refundable) for each packages. The last day for submission of tender is on 29th November 2013 before 11:00 AM and will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM. For clarification please contact at Telephone No. 336397 on any working days.